It can be argued that the one of the most powerful healing powers we all have available to us is our support system.
At Kokolulu, we provide a safe place for you to build friendships and grow relationships with others that have experienced, or are experiencing similar life changing events.
Why Join the Support Community?
If we have had the privilege of meeting you in person at one of our retreats, then you will no doubt wish to stay in touch with those that shared your experience.
The benefit of joining the support community is that you can Friend, Follow, Private Message or join Private and Public Support Groups.
Step 1: Register
If you are not yet a member of the support community, joining is free and easy. If you are not a member, you will see the option to Log in, or Register in the upper right corner of the site.
Step 2: Choose Username and Password
Complete the simple registration form
Step 3: Check Your Email
The last step is activate your account using the link sent to the email you used to register.
The email you are looking for will look like this:
Subject: [Kokolulu Farm and Cancer Retreats] Activate Your Account
Thanks for registering! To complete the activation of your account please click the following link:
Your activation link will be here – click it and you will be taken to this page:
Account Activated
By clicking on the blue “log in” link, you will be taken to the log in page for the site. This is where you enter the username and password that you chose.
Explore the Community
Once you “log-in”, you will see that you have different options now in the navigation bar across the top of the site. Here you can complete your profile, upload your picture, meet new friends and communicate with other members of the support community.