What it takes to build the Chartres Labyrinth at Kokolulu

Here is what it takes to build the Chartres Labyrinth at Kokolulu – It will be open to the public


Site Leveling: $1200

Weed Mat Underlayment:  $825

Sand Foundation: $725

860 Pavers and 113 Bricks: $8260

Plumbing for irrigation: $260

Landscaping inside and outside labyrinth: $620

Consultation by certified labyrinth specialist: $800

Labor to install the labyrinth: Free  The installation will be done by volunteers and Kokolulu’s interns, Karin Cooke RN and Lew Whitney

Total of Funds Needed to Build The Kokolulu Labyrinth: $12,690

Construction will begin once this amount is raised.

If you are interested in donating to help build the Kokolulu Labyrinth

For more information call Kokolulu (808) 889-9893 or info@kokolulu.com

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