The REAL practice begins at home!

New Beginnings!


Aloha and Nihao Dear Ones!

I have been home from Hainan, China’s Hexianju Qigong Center for two weeks now and the glow remains!  I continue to do my practice 2-3 times a day, but as the masters told me before I left, “The real practice is with your eyes open, in everyday life!”  So true, the real practice is bringing the qi into every act, indeed, in every thought.  It is a conscious effort, as one might imagine! It DOES take conscious practice (and intention) to be aware in every moment, in every act!  One step at a time!  And, I admit, sometimes the steps go backwards.

But, all I can do is try to learn from the backwards steps and use those to help me move forward.

Lew and I and the staff here at Kokolulu Farm are excited to welcome Master Ning Jian Xiong, one of the teachers from the Hainan Center and a past teacher of the world’s largest medicineless hospital that was located in China.  Ning will be with us for six months, teaching and holding private sessions!  What a great opportunity for all of us!  We hope you will all join us in welcoming him and learning from him.

See our website pages for more info on Master NIng!

Hope to see you on the farm soon!


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