Master Ning Jian Xiong at Kokolulu – Just finished a very powerful 15 day retreat

MasterNingMaster Ning Jian Xiong is doing well. He has seen over 100 people for individual sessions.  He continues to see 3 patients a day. 2 today with a terminal diagnosis and 2 tomorrow with a similar diagnosis. Now that they have a “chance” they need to do “their work” that is why we are offering the healing circle this coming Wednesday and following it up with a qigong workshop this coming weekend March 28-30. The workshop will give the participants the tools they need to improve their health and well being. Several people have related significant improvement in their health and well-being since seeing Master Ning and two individuals have told us that their cancer is now gone. But as before they know they must continue to do their work. Qigong can help them do this.
We have just finished a very powerful 15 day cancer retreat.
Hope to see you this coming Wednesday at Kokolulu.
Blessings to you and your Ohana!
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