Master Ning Jian Xiong arrives at Kokolulu on February 5

Master Ning Jian Xiong (first time in the USA and Hawaii) is an internationally recognized teacher and healer who was one of the leaders of the healing unit at the world’s largest “medicine-less” hospital, Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Clinic & Training Center China, were they treated over 200,000 patients, with over 185 different illnesses, and with a 95% effective improvement rate.  Master Ning was a teacher and healer at the Center where he himself treated many thousands of “students”, as the patients were called. Many of these students had cancer and other severe diagnoses.  At times he would teach to groups of as many as 6000 students at one time!

Master has since witnessed profound healing experiences through his dedication to the teaching and practice of Qigong. Master Ning’s teaching emphasizes activating the power of inner self-healing that facilitates the release of chronic illness, while improving health and well-being.  Students experience deep awakening and transformation through his teachings.

Master Ning will be joining the staff at Kokolulu to help institute their new Medicine – less Healing Program. He will offer workshops, retreats, teacher training, and be available for individual appointments.

Come meet this gifted healer and teacher!  KFR is offering a free session (open to the public) with Master Ning on Sunday, February 9th, 5:30 – 7:30 pm at Kokolulu’s Retreat Center in Hawi and TuTu’s House in Waimea on February 7th, 5:30 -7:30 pm. and February 11 at Nandi Pencak’s house in Kona (A Love On The Earth Foundation Presentation)

For more info: 

Kokolulu Medicine – less healing program web site

808-889-9893Master Ning poster -  Jan 2014V2

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