Lulu’s Typical Qigong Day Hexianju Centre China

Ni Hao from Hainan Island China:

Hainan Island climate is similar to Hawaii. This island is 3 times the size of Hawaii Island and population is 9 million. However I am in a very rural beautiful area 10 minutes bike ride from the ocean. The Hexianju centre is located in the largest coconut forest in the world. Magical!

Typical Qigong Day

Get up at 5:30 am and begin 2 hours of Qi Gong

Breakfast at 8:00 am

Walk or bike ride for 30 minutes

Work on answering the many emails I get inquiring about Kokolulu’s workshops and retreats and booking healing session appointments with Master Ning

9:30 – 12:00 Oigong Practice of some older and newer exercises gathering good information

Lunch 12-1

Relax and take Chinese Qi Nap

3:00 – 5:30 pm Loss Weight Qigong and development of the new mind (getting back to our true natural self )
6:00 pm dinner

Early evening walks and bike rides to the beach

1-2 hours of hips rotation and legs qigong along with Hun Yuan Qigong and Eating Qi

Bedtime around 9:00-10:00

Have been working extensively with Master Peng Xiaoping who will be coming to Kokolulu in the latter part of June to join our team for 5 months. He was Dr. Pang personal assistant at the medicine less hospital. Peng is a wonderful teacher and powerful healer.

I am bringing lots of Good Information back to Kokolulu Farm and Retreats in Hawaii to share with our students helping them improve their mind and body and take charge of their own healing.

Hope you are having a great day.


Lulu Koko and Master Ning Jian Xiong

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