Kokolulu is proud to be donating healing services to the woman and children who have been affected by the Fukushima nuclear disaster

Kokolulu is proud to be donating healing services to the woman and children who have been affected by the Fukushima nuclear disaster. We are partnering with the Fukushima Kids Hawaii Project http://fukushimakidshp.blogspot.com

Yumi Kikuchi and her husband, Gen Morita, founded the Fukushima Kids Hawaii Project. The couple moved their family to Kona from Japan in May 2011 for the safety and health of their two small children.

“We need to get as much kids out of radiation as possible,” Kikuchi, a classical flutist, said. “As a mother, I’m concerned about the kids.”

Since moving to Kona, Yumi cofounded “Fukushima Kids Hawaii” to invite children from Fukushima to Hawaii for a healthy respite from the radiation they were exposed to after the triple meltdown of nuclear reactors of Fukushima Daiichi.smaller size Fukushima mom and daughter and Yumi at Kokolulu

Kokolulu encourages you to support Fukushima Kids Hawaii Project by visit their blog spot http://fukushimakidshp.blogspot.com and donating what you can afford. Mahalo!



Pictured here at Kokolulu today after a session with Master Ning Jian Xiong – Miyuki and her daughter from Fukushima and co-founder of the Fukushima Kids Project Yumi Kikuchi


Aloha and Peace

Lew, Karin and Master Ning Jian Xiong

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