Kokolulu Farm and BIORC Affiliation

Kokolulu Farm and Cancer Retreats, Inc. enters into a strategic affiliation with Bastyr Integrative Oncology Research Center

Kokolulu Farm and Cancer Retreats, Inc. on the beautiful, healing Big Island of Hawaii has joined forces with Bastyr University’s Integrative Oncology Research Center (BIORC) to test the hypothesis that exposure to a two-week therapeutic experience at Kokolulu Farm will improve participants’ immune system responses, anti-cancer blood cell activity and quality of life.

Bastyr University researchers are currently testing the hypothesis that comprehensive natural medicine therapy that includes western and Asian botanical medicines, mind-body medicine (meditation, qi gong, imagery and other stress-reduction techniques), and nutritional medicine improve survival, reduce cancer relapse rates and improve health-related quality of life.

Kokolulu Farm and Cancer Retreats combine all the elements of deep nature cure: sea water, sunlight, vegetarian fresh farm grown food, daily meditation training and qi gong.  BIORC researchers selected Kokolulu Farm and Cancer Retreats because its location promotes the restorative effects of sunlight, tropical plant life, and seawater.

Bastyr University, located north of Seattle, is an accredited institution, internationally recognized as a pioneer in natural medicine.

Kokolulu Farm and Cancer Retreats is located on the northern tip of the Big Island, which is renowned for its strong healing energy, friendly people, comfortable climate and some of the cleanest air in the world.  Kokolulu Farm and Cancer Retreats, Inc. is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that embraces all modalities of medicine in the journey through cancer and provides education and charitable assistance to those affected by cancer by providing holistic healing retreats, research publications, and sharing tools that empower participants to take charge of their own healing journey.  The retreats offer a holistic blend of ancient and modern Western, Eastern and alternative healing therapies in professionally led workshops, healthy meal preparation with food from the organic gardens, and sacred Hawaiian site visits around the island.  Group and individual, personalized cancer retreats are offered.  Scholarships are available for group retreats.  Call 808-889-9893 or visit www.cancer-retreats.org.

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