Since I arrived here at the Hexianju Qigong Centre in China on May 17, I have lost 17 lbs and 4 inches off of my belly. I have participated in a Weight Loss Qigong Program designed and directed one on one by Master Peng Xianoping. Master Peng was the personal assistant to Dr. Pang who […]
Author Archive | Lew Whitney
Zhineng Qigong Helps Us Develop Our New Mind
The development of the new mind (getting back to our true self like when we were babies) this is why we practice qigong. We can still access the old system to run our daily lives but it is out there in the distance away from our “new mind”. Emotions can, if we take them in […]
Lulu’s Typical Qigong Day Hexianju Centre China
Ni Hao from Hainan Island China: Hainan Island climate is similar to Hawaii. This island is 3 times the size of Hawaii Island and population is 9 million. However I am in a very rural beautiful area 10 minutes bike ride from the ocean. The Hexianju centre is located in the largest coconut forest […]
Ni Hao from China
Lulu here from China. I am at the Hexianju Qigong Centre on Hainan island for three weeks working with Masters Jianshe, Peng, Li, and Zho Ping. Learning many new qigong exercises to share with our guests at Kokoluku in Hawaii. I will be here for three weeks. The qifield is so powerful. Working extensively with […]
QiGong Master Ning Jian Xiong is here doing healing sessions and teaching qigong
QiGong Master Ning Jian Xiong is at Kokolulu Farm and Retreats in Hawi, Hawaii doing healing sessions and teaching qigong. He will be here until late July 2014. For more information: call 808-889-9893 or visit our web site:

Healing Circles at Kokolulu Farm and Retreats with Master Ning Jian Xiong from China April 9 at 6:30 pm
Healing Circles at Kokolulu Farm and Retreats in Hawaii with Master Ning Jian Xiong from China April 9 at 6:30 pm – No charge Please be there by 6:15 pm out of respect for Master Ning and those coming to heal themselves. Mahalo!

Kokolulu is proud to be donating healing services to the woman and children who have been affected by the Fukushima nuclear disaster
Kokolulu is proud to be donating healing services to the woman and children who have been affected by the Fukushima nuclear disaster. We are partnering with the Fukushima Kids Hawaii Project Yumi Kikuchi and her husband, Gen Morita, founded the Fukushima Kids Hawaii Project. The couple moved their family to Kona from Japan in May […]
Amazing group healing circle with Master Jian Xiong Ning at Kokolulu Farm and Retreats tonight
Amazing group healing circle with Master Jian Xiong Ning at Kokolulu Farm and Retreats tonight. Over 50 people participated. We feel blessed to have Master Ning here to help people heal themselves.

Master Ning Jian Xiong at Kokolulu – Just finished a very powerful 15 day retreat
Master Ning Jian Xiong is doing well. He has seen over 100 people for individual sessions. He continues to see 3 patients a day. 2 today with a terminal diagnosis and 2 tomorrow with a similar diagnosis. Now that they have a “chance” they need to do “their work” that is why we are offering […]
One year Anniversary celebration of our dear friend Rick Chalker at Kapaa Park tonight
One year Anniversary celebration of our dear friend Rick Chalker at Kapaa Park tonight. Rick was a close friend and was responsible for starting the Saturday market here in North Kohala/Hawi town. A sweet man – we miss him everyday. We had his ashes here at Kokolulu in the temple for the past year. What […]